The trip into town was a long one by bike, but D and I found ways to justify it. Without helmets or supervision, he and I peddled out there many times each summer, often in search of something sweet.
I can’t remember how long it took us to reach that liquor store, but it seemed like hours. Which, now that I think about it, is probably largely due to the fact that I knew the road too well. Each curve and landmark we passed prompted visions of the ones that remained, leaving me eagerly counting them down to the last. There was that one tree, the hill with the sketchy guardrails – oh – and the house with the porch over the garage. The images seem fresh in my mind even now, but the clearest is that of the last. Excited over the thought of finally making it to our destination, I loved reaching the home stretch. That uncommonly straight bit of road edged on either side with a low-lying shrub and cattail-infested swamp. It was raised enough to offer up a nice view into town, flat enough to allow for serious speed and seemed like the finally attainable light at the end of the tunnel. I savored that stretch until the very end, comforted by its familiarity and meaning as it led D and straight onto the lone sidewalks of Main Street.

We were finally there, and I was ready to claim my prize.
D and I kicked the stands on our bikes as if to scare them into staying put and left the sidewalk behind for the cool interior of the shop. D, as I remember, headed straight for the candy cigarettes, Warheads and bubblegum, but I had different interests. With a pocket full of mixed change, I passed the numerous displays of candy and chose, instead, to explore the freezer case near the deli counter. I sorted through the cones and novelty treats (anyone else remember those nasty foot-shaped abominations on a stick?) quickly, standing on tip-toe to reach the box of over-sized popsicles in the back. They were all I ever wanted when we made it to town, and they were all I ever bought.
Truth be told, I’ve never thought of candy – particularly candy bars – as enticing. Although I do remember the last candy bar I ate (curse you and your candy bowl, H!), I can’t remember the last one I bought. Even as a wee one during Halloween, I always found myself more excited about eating my Grandma’s meatballs (the retro ones with the grape jelly – yum!) at the end of the night than eating a hole through the bag of sweets I had collected. So what’s my beef? I think it’s just a matter of practicality. If I’m going to spend money on something sweet, I want it to be interesting and refreshing – not weigh me down like a brick. Which, come to think of it, is really what a candy bar is, isn’t it? There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, but the chocolate on top of sugar on top of more sugar is just too much for me.

I appreciate it the work and thought that goes into it and even the idea behind it all, but… I’m not buying.
Anyway, with our selections in hand, D and I emptied our pockets for the cashier and went on our merry way. He with his package of who-knows-what crinkling between his fingers, and me with a popsicle the size of my arm fitted in my hand.
Those were the days.
Milky Ways
Even though I don’t like candy bars, I couldn’t stop myself from trying to recreate them at home. I think these are pretty accurate, and they’re very good, but I could only handle a bite at a time!
Printable Recipe
Nougat slightly adapted from Cupcake Project
2 c (398 g) sugar
2/3 c (156 ml) corn syrup
2/3 c (156 ml) water
2 egg whites, room temp
2 oz (57 g) unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled
1/8 tsp salt
Line and grease an 8 x 8 pan with parchment paper. Set aside.
Put the sugar, corn syrup and water into a pan over medium-high heat and cook until the sugar dissolves, swirling the pan occasionally. Once the sugar has dissolved, stick a candy thermometer into the pan and cook, without stirring, until the temperature reaches 260F (127C).
Meanwhile, pour the egg whites into a non-plastic mixing bowl. When the sugar gets to 250F (121C), begin beating the egg whites on medium speed. You should get soft peaks.
When the sugar syrup reaches 260F, remove the pan from the heat. Turn the speed on the mixer up to high and slowly pour in the sugar syrup, being careful not to pour it on the beaters or on the side of the bowl. After all of the syrup has been incorporated, continue beating on high speed for about 5 minutes, or until the egg whites are shiny, white, and stiff.
Turn the mixer down to medium and add the melted chocolate and salt. Beat for about a minute, scrape down the sides of the bowl (the nougat will be very thick) and beat until smooth. Pour into you prepared pan and spread it into an even layer. Cover and allow to set at room temp overnight until completely set.
Once set, remove the nougat from the pan and cut it in half with an oiled knife, giving you two 4 x 8 pieces. Cut each half into eight slices, being careful to keep cut slices together because you will be putting them back in the pan. You will have 16 bars.
After cutting, line the pan again with parchment and oil the sides. Put the cut nougat back into the pan and set aside. Prepare caramel.
This caramel is solid enough to handle, but it will run if left to set for an extended period of time. Because of this, it is important to dip the bars in chocolate as soon as you can after cutting them for a second time.
1/2 c (100 g) sugar
1/2 c (118 ml) corn syrup
1/4 c (59 ml) water
3 Tbls (43 g) butter, room temp
4 Tbls cream
Place the sugar, corn syrup and water in a medium pan. Cook over medium heat, swirling the pan occasionally to help dissolve the sugar. Cook until the syrup is amber colored (however dark you’d like), then remove from heat and quickly whisk in the butter and cream, being careful as it bubbles up. Allow to cool 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the caramel is no longer so hot that it will burn. Pour over cut nougat and allow to set 3-4 hours.
Remove caramel-covered nougat from the pan and peel away the parchment paper. Re-cut the bars by flipping the mass over, caramel side down, and cutting along the lines. Set aside, caramel side up, and prepare the chocolate for dipping.
Cut bars
15-20 oz (425 – 567 g) chocolate or chocolate candy melts
Cut a sheet of parchment to set the dipped bars on. Set aside
Chop the chocolate (if using candy melts, don’t worry about it) and place in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Stir frequently to melt evenly and prevent burning. Once the chocolate is completely melted, pour it into a dish suitable for dipping (I used a sandwich-size plastic container). Dip each of the bars individually using a fork to turn. Be sure to tap the handle of the fork multiple times on the side of the container to help thin the coating of chocolate. Place on parchment to set.
Store in an air-tight container at room temp.
Oh, yum!
Looks good! I'm much more addicted to snickers than milky ways, but I have a feeling that home-made milky ways taste better than store bought.
You just made my favorite chocolate candy. Although personally I'm a bigger fan of those fruit slices, not wedges, that are only available at real candy stores!
Hows that a milky way?Looks like a Mars bar to me. Mind me looks great and yummy, but just not like a milky way
I'm glad that you guys like them! <br /><br /><b>@Mutz</b>, Milky Ways are the American Mars Bar. Overseas I think a Milky Way is our Three Musketeers 😀
I love milky way, too! Yours looks so yummy!
I'm not much of a candy bar fan either but I do like Milky Ways! These look awesome!
I just want to say thanks for your posts, i've been wanting to try to make a curly whirly cupcake type thing for awhile, but couldn't find the right recipe for the caramel, and I think that this one would work. Thank you so much!
I'm making these! Milky Way is the Mr.'s favorite candy. Made the nougat tonight, I thought my mixer was going to explode LOL! But it looks great! Can't wait to make the caramel and dip them tomorrow night after work. <br />Thanks for the awesome recipes! <3
Brilliant I love milky ways! I have to make these!!
Is there anything you can't make/bake? 😀 <br />You just WOW everytime!
No you did not just do this!<br />I like you.
That looks like a very successful recreation. I always went for frozen treats too!
Oh my word. THis is my FAVORITE candy bar… and you just made me drool!! AMAZING!!! I am SO trying this as soon as this baby comes.. I will probably dream about it until then!!
Is it weird that I have an abnormal fear of any recipe that involves a candy thermometer? <br /><br />These look fantastic, though!
It's so nice of you sharing this recipe! Milky way was one of my favorites candy bars during my exchange program to US. Here in Brazil I could not find this bar, even at import stores.<br />I'm very happy that now I have how to make it by myself!<br />And it's allways better to make your own junk food!<br />Thank You!
That is so cool you made milky ways.
OMG! Um, I'm kinda speechless! They look spot on. I can't wait to try this. Wow, oh wow.
These are beautiful!! I can't believe you made homemade Milky Ways, well actually I can believe it, and I love it 🙂
these look very, VERY good. kinda similar to twix, which I love
Totally agree about candy bars… can't stomach them. I'm impressed as hell that you made these, though 🙂
wow these truly look like candy bars. well done!
Zowee! I'm not one for candy bars, but that is one huge delectable looking homemade candy bar! It looks positively delicious!
Oh my wow! I could barely read the words those look so amazing! And the method doesn't make me wanna pull my hair out which you think it would when you first lay eyes on them. Great recipe!
My jaw just dropped. These are amazing. You are such a clever baker, and photographer, I can almost imagine how good these tasted. I've always been quite fond of 'candy' bars, we just call them chocolate bars here, I think I love the sugar rush as much as the taste!
I finished making them and wanted to let you know that they are a.m.a.z.i.n.g! Things I'm going to do differently next time (and there will be a next time): cook the caramel less (mine got too dark), and most importantly, i'm going to chill the bars before and after cutting so they stay nice and sharp. Mine look like logs. I also might use candy melts instead of chocolate, since i'm
Thank you!!<br /><br /><b>@Aussie Baker</b> I hope that it worked for you!<br /><br /><b>@Jillian</b> I'm so happy you made them and that you think they're worth the effort! Thanks for letting me know!
They really look perfect!<br />:)
am not much of a candy maker but I MUST try these….wish me luck =)
I'm wondering if I could adapt this to mimic the Milky Way Dark. I am not a Milky Way fan, but the Milky Way Dark….oh my. Those are good. The nougat is just white (vanilla) so I'm betting if I omitted the chocolate from the recipe that it would be similar. And simply use dark chocolate for dipping. I am not a huge candy person either. I think I am and I buy it, but then it rots away in